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Taking the Scary out of Finances, with Lauren Colson

Episode 146

As the founder and CEO of Colson Strategies, Lauren Colson is dedicated to assisting her clients in comprehending their revenue and objectives through a range of services including accounting, bookkeeping, and ad-hoc CFO services. Her passion lies in empowering business owners by making their financial decisions less daunting through informed decision-making.

Lauren's childhood experiences played a significant role in shaping her entrepreneurial mindset. Growing up, she worked at her aunt and uncle's cookware store, where she helped out behind the register and became fascinated with the idea of monetizing everything, including family events and summer activities. This keenness for recognizing opportunities and capitalizing on them paved the way for Lauren's success in her current venture, where she utilizes those early-learned skills to assist her clients at Colson Strategies.

When working with her business owner clients, Lauren often encounters people who are disorganized with their books, fearful of their money, or paralyzed by choices of what to do next. She helps these owners by creating a financial roadmap, which asks business-focused questions:

  • Are your books set up correctly? 
  • What does growth look like?

And personal questions:

  • Where do you want to be within your business in 5 years? 
  • Are you still motivated to work every day?

Even if you don’t own a business, the business-oriented roadmap can also be applied to your personal finances.

At the core of all of our financial landscapes is our money mindset. In this episode, Lauren urges you to reflect on the early voices that shaped your perception of money. To get started, she poses a few critical questions that require introspection. What aspects of finances make you anxious? Are you struggling with managing a substantial sum of money in your account? Lauren emphasizes the importance of clarifying your goals and identifying the best course of action to achieve them.

Tune in to this episode with Dr. Deborah Ekstrom and Lauren Colson to explore Colson Strategies' unique approach to understanding both personal and business finances. The conversation dives into creating a healthy money mindset and offers actionable tips for moving from a state of overwhelm to taking concrete steps toward your financial goals.

Topics Discussed:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Business finances
  • Accounting
  • CFOs roles in a business
  • Money Mindset
  • Creating a financial plan


For more information on how to achieve financial freedom, personal mastery, and professional success, please visit

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