How to Find Fulfillment in Your Wealth-Building Journey, with Dr. Susan Nicholas
Dr. Susan Nicholas is a 25-year healthcare industry professional who has worn many hats. She is a former clinical fellow in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Stanford University and General Surgery resident and research fellow at UCSF Medical Center. Susan graduated from the University of Iowa College of Medicine and earned an Executive MBA from Emory University Goizueta Business School. After graduating from business school, she became an entrepreneur founding a healthcare company and later worked as a healthcare equity investment analyst. Dr. Nicholas is a healthcare industry consultant providing health care IT solutions to tertiary and Quaternary medical centers throughout the United States. Susan began her career as a pharmacokinetics chemist at a publicly-traded pharmaceutical company.
A serial entrepreneur, Dr. Nicholas is the founder of the Human Consciousness Consortium and SusanNicholas.org. She is the author of The Duality of Being: Perspectives from Multidimensional Travel and an illustrated children’s book series. Two Parts of Me: I am More Than My Body is the first in her conscious children’s book series and the second title The Death of Cupcake: A Child’s Experience with Loss is set for publication in November 2020.
Dr. Nicholas is an international speaker giving her signature talk The Frequency of Money to enrich audiences around the world. Dr. Nicholas has graced stages in Cairo, Egypt, New Delhi, India as well as here at home. Dr. Nicholas is a regular contributor and invited guest on nationally syndicated radio programs and podcasts. Susan is also a Reiki energy healer and conscious success coach for medical and business professionals.
What You Will Learn:
- Dr. Nicholas’ journey into the field of medicine
- How Dr. Nicholas’ background shaped her journey of self-elevation
- What it took for Dr. Nicholas to find fulfillment in her life, despite deciding she wanted to be a doctor at 10 years old
- How to become ‘consciously awake’ so you can start building a life with health and wealth in mind
- Dr. Nicholas’ perspective on the frequency of money
- Resources that will help you walk the path to a more conscious life and clear your limitations around money
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